Custom development, the promise of an idea that works…

By Martin Landreville

Looking for a computerized solution to a problem, simple or complex, or looking to get more gains from a business process is a normal quest for any company, big or small. Most businesses identify several potential solutions but they do not necessarily answer their exact need, or sometimes several of the solutions could do the job but actually surpass the real needs.

These are some of the reasons why we have created Done Techno. After a career of many years in IT, I find that there is still a lot of space for developing custom solutions and that these will certainly always stay present. We only have to take a look at the fashion world. Despite a very developed ready-to-wear industry, custom-made clothing has an important place. But what kind of custom-made is the Done’s team busy creating?

The Business intention

We created Done with a precise intention. An intention that I like to describe as real. It has its source in our will to do better. Done’s business intention is to transform the budget and the energy in immediate value for all. The solutions developed, even in their simplest form, need to be useful at least for one thing, throughout the process. This will to always do what’s really necessary now can appear simple and even trivial. In the day-to-day of a software development team, it isn’t. This quest is studded with pitfalls — sometimes human, sometimes organizational — and we need to make sure every day that we do not lose sight of the objective.

So the development is divided and prioritized so that the most important elements are dealt with first. During the development of a need, we also get busy developing all the features necessary to cover that need, by prioritizing first what has the most value so that in the end, the need is entirely filled. We use a two-dimensional concept (see Figure 1) : the horizontal axis materializes the chronological succession of uses, the vertical axis materializes the priority of the features, on top those that are essential to the use, at the bottom those that are secondary or only affecting a fraction of the information flow processed by the product.


Figure 1 : Development centred on value

In Figure 1, the blue boxes represent the broad features or modules of a system. The idea is to develop each need so that you move horizontally in the system. This way, we avoid using too much of the budget to develop a module vertically and we thus reduce the risk of exceeding the estimated cost. Obviously, to do so we need to manage the delivery of each version taking into account what’s more of a priority. This way of doing things is one of the most important principles of our approach. Our role is to assist our clients in this decision-making concerning the budget and the next features to be developed.

Related post : How much is it to develop my custom software?

The Human intention

At the origin of Done Techno, there wasn’t only a business intention, of course. Behind the desire to build computing solutions hides purely human motivations. We try to materialize and respect them as much as possible within Done. We think that it’s important to find these things that make a difference in our experience daily. They can be commonplace or really profound, depending on the people, but I can swear they exist and are lived. Working with Done, it’s being allowed to be yourself, whether you’re an employee or a partner. There are no good reasons for us to only show our best to our loved ones.

The authenticity of the approach

We are not good with everything and we sometimes make mistakes. All the businesses that I have seen in my life, without exception, occasionally make mistakes or blunders. Our development approach aims at one thing : reaching the objective. The more our partners and clients understand and trust us, the more we increase the chances of reaching the goal. We are authentic in what we do, without regard for consequences.

Fallibility at the service of success

I know it can seem weird. Even while writing it, part of me is saying : “You can’t write that”, but it’s, however, the truth. We sometimes feel fallible for all kinds of reasons. Done is a group of human beings with their strengths and weaknesses and especially their fears. Together we are stronger, but these fears are still all present. We work to know ourselves, identify these fears and put this self-knowledge to work.


I will finish by saying that I am very proud of the team I work with, I appreciate each person for their differences and I think our imperfections aren’t that bad. We form a human team that is looking to work with people who share our values and vision of what work is. We are Done Techno!

Related post : 5 tips to develop custom software with a small budget.

About Done Techno

Done Techno is first of all a place of creation dedicated to software development. We are specialized in custom software development for clients looking for unique solutions who want to maximize the value of their investment. For the past 15 years, our development team has shown its Agility, creativity, collaborative spirit and unfailing engagement to the success of our clients and partners.

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