Sharing our knowledge one article at the time

Our blog is meant to share our team's most recent knowledge and findings in development, programming, new technology, productivity tips and much more.

One goal in mind: empower our clients, their peers and your teams.


Discover which technology suits your needs: AI or automation, or perhaps both? Learn about the risks and benefits, and read about our success story.
With the relentless digital transformations of our times, leadership is emerging as the essential catalyst for change and organizational success. Let’s dive into the different aspects of leadership in this context to discover how, through its strategic vision, its culture of innovation and its investment in digital talent, it is the essential driver of successful...
If you’re reading this page, it’s probably because you too have been affected by the new labour shortage “pandemic” that began a few years ago and has been impacting large companies’ information technology recruitment efforts as they attempt to find qualified workers. The labour shortage has hit the IT sector hard This new pandemic has...
Depending on your business needs, creating custom software can prove to be an expensive project. To prevent this from turning into a financial sink hole, one of the tips we discussed in our previous article is to equip yourself with monitoring tools. Having the right tools at your disposal means putting more chances on your...
Companies are turning more and more to technology to meet specific needs such as eliminating recurring tasks or increasing productivity and efficiency. While there is a plethora of software available on the market for payroll management, communication within different business units, and marketing automation, companies are increasingly looking to develop customized software solutions to meet specific...
A company’s digital technologies are often acquired based on specific needs, regardless of the ability to integrate them with technologies that are already in place. Thus, the needs are dictated by the stakeholders and future users who list the required features without necessarily considering the possibility of integration of these technologies. However, this consideration is...
The digital shift in the manufacturing sector obviously involves significant changes in the various processes and systems present in a business. But more broadly, important changes must also emerge in business models and management modes. However, to remain competitive and flexible, as clearly mentioned in the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation’s Industry 4.0 Roadmap,...
The decision to use existing software or to invest in the development of custom software is still subject of much debate. Using existing software that already has some basic features may seem tempting, but we often forget to compare it to the benefits of developing custom software. For more than 17 years, Done Techno has...
Looking for a computerized solution to a problem, simple or complex, or looking to get more gains from a business process is a normal quest for any company, big or small. Most businesses identify several potential solutions but they do not necessarily answer their exact need, or sometimes several of the solutions could do the...
A project always begins with the identification of a need, followed by negotiation. Too often, we overlook the fact that, to ensure the success of a project, collaboration between the technical team and the customer is crucial. As stated in the third value of the Agile Manifesto, “collaboration with customers more than contractual negotiation”. At...
We live in an era where mass production is the norm. Going custom is not exactly “in”. Our consumer-driven society requires everything to happen quickly. We don’t have time to wait to get what we want. If we don’t see what we’re looking for on the store shelf, we immediately go somewhere else to find...
Do you feel like you’re overtaken by new technologies? We live in a world where technological environments are continually evolving. It’s a long time since we could invest in a computer system and keep it as is for years. With the appearance of smart phones, tablets, and virtual-reality glasses (e.g. Google Glass), what used to...

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